June 15, 2012

Adventure Time!

Today, Pearce and Danielle visited us for an awesome adventure down the California Park ponds and Lakes.

Adventure Map

Our journey started late in the afternoon. It was pretty hot!

Along the way, we stopped to enjoy the ponds and of course throw some rocks in!

At about the halfway point, we took a break to replenish some lost energy.

Continuing along our path, we found that other families were out enjoying the park as well.

May 31, 2012

Justus graduates from preschool June 2012

Congratulations Justus! You've made it this far; there's no stopping you now!

We love you so much and are so proud of you.

May 18, 2012

Justus is learning to ride his bike!

Mom has been encouraging Justus' balance with a nightly 'laps' session around our back porch. Looks like Justus' hardwork and Mom's encouragement has paid off! Justus will be 5 on July 22nd.

March 26, 2012

Justus' 4th!

Can't believe I didnt post these earlier! Bad Dad!

Justus' 4th Birthday Party!

August 12, 2011

Fruit Ninja Justus

Fruit Ninja was just released for Kinect - boy is it a blast!

Here's Justus' review of the game:

July 12, 2011

Justus' July 30th Birthday Bash

Justus is inviting friends and family to his 4th year birthday bash held @ the Athletic Horizons Gymnastics Center on July 30th from 10am to 12pm.

You will receive your invitation soon!.

Please use the below map to get to Athletic Horizons as the map on their site is not entirely accurate.

Dial 530-784-4778 for more information.

View Justus' 4th Birthday - July 30th, 2011 - 10am to 12pm in a larger map

July 6, 2011

Steve Bealer tagged you in an album on Google+

Steve Bealer tagged you in an album on Google+: KJ and Marlena Wedding
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April 12, 2011

New school pictures of Justus!

I apologize for our scanner quality. We mostly got it for documents, and not so much for scanning.

What an awesome boy!!

School Pics April 2011

April 3, 2011

@ Caper Acres

After the first balloon pop, a sword, Justus wanted a monkey

March 14, 2011

justus wrote his name!

We came home from the movies tonight and justus said dad watch what I can do, went to his whiteboard, and wrote his name!!

January 13, 2011

Justus reading

Last night when picking Justus up from daycare, he wanted to stop and write on a whiteboard that we were passing by.

I took the opportunity to write some words on the board.

Here are the words he was able to sound out using phonics

He was very excited to be able to sound those out and did the expressions for the last ones! Mom and Dad were ecstatic!

March 14, 2010

Sunday BBQ @ the Lobban's

We had a great time with the Lobban's on Sunday. Russ cooked up some mean tri-tip and corn and the kids provided the entertainment. Thanks guys for such a great time. Nice to share such a nice day and night with you!

Two videos from the event:

November 15, 2009


Justus had a great time with Pearce on Halloween night trick-or-treating. Pearce was a dinosaur (or a dragon) and Justus was Darth Vader sans mask. We walked around the lobban neighborhood a bit before returning home, eating a bit of candy and heading home. Justus STILL wants to go to the store to see "spookies" but we tell him he'll have to wait till next year.

September 29, 2009

Tricycle Riding

What a joy it is to watch Justus zoom around the outdoor track at school on his tricycle. It was only last week that we believed he didn't know how to peddle a tricycle and that he had no interest in learning. Now he is speeding around with the big kids like he has been doing it for a long time. I am sure you can guess what one of our next purchases will be.

September 27, 2009

Lets do a backflip

We were in bed with Justus on Friday night. We had the momma bear, the daddy bear and the baby, Justus bear with us in bed. We were doing family things. Justus and Daddy bear were playing together.

Dad said...lets jump! And the bears jumped. Lets sit! said Dad. and the bears sat.

Lets do a backflip! said Justus. Dad and Mom's jaw dropped to the floor before I said ...ok, lets do a BACKFLIP and our bears did a backflip...

I really have NO idea where he gets this stuff!

September 11, 2009

Kids web search

This might be of interest to Justus later on:


September 10, 2009

Been out doin stuff with Justus

Hey guys, sorry its been so long. We've just been living a great life with our little guy, rather than taking pictures.

But we ARE taking pictures - which I hope that you'll enjoy below. Click on the slideshow to visit the album!

Yes I realize I have a crap load of scenery pics, but thats just how I roll. Justus'll want to remember where he's been when he was lil.

August 23, 2009

Don't hit people

I was sword fighting with Justus earlier today.

I caught him in a moment when he wasn't paying attention and I got a good stab in his rib cage.

This caught his attention and he furrowed his brow as if angry. He said as clear as day, "Don't hit people"...

It was so cute!

July 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Justus!

Justus is 2 years old going on 11!

For his birthday we celebrated @ little discoveries with all of his friends sharing cupcakes! Nana and Marlena then took him for some swimming and some fun back at KJ and Marlena's apartment.

We'll post some pics after vacation (we're taking him to Patrick's Point).

June 30, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Justus and mom have been going to swimming lessons two days a week this month and he loves it!!

He loves the water and is doing really good kicking and digging and pulling to get across the water. He loves the songs and games we play in the pool too and he even sings them at home. He likes to tell people he went swimming by both saying I went swimming and using his arms to make a swimming motion.

Today for the first time he actually enjoyed going under the water and wanted to do it again. He is the best in his class, of course, and he is doing great at swimming up to grab the pool edge and at swimming under water. Today when the teacher passed him under water to me he had so much fun and wanted to keep doing it without giving the other kids a turn. He also had a great time playing on the steps and practicing tight lips and blowing bubbles.

June 28, 2009

Justus to move to Bumble Bees (2+) room early

We recently received approval from our Pediatrician and Little Discoveries to move Justus to the 2+ room a month or so early. He loves it in there and we're ready for him to start associating with some bigger kids too.

Nana's Birthday!

We went to Nana's house on Friday to celebrate her Birthday on Saturday! We had so much fun swimming and playing with Nan. KJ and Marlena came too and we had a blast.

June 20, 2009

Pier 39 Fun

We went to Pier 39 this weekend. Justus got to pet a shark! We had fun exploring the jelly fish and the aquarium tubes.

April 15, 2009

18 month check up (@ ~ 21 months)

Justus is doing really well! He's in the ~70th percentile for most of his measurements:

Head circumference: 49cm (71st %tile)
Weight: 28lbs 5oz (69th %tile)
Height: 34in (71st %tile)

I told the Dr. about Justus' recent brush with what a Nurse practitioner down in Chico diagnosed as bacterial conjunctivitis (pink eye) but mentioned that his eyes were white the entire time.

I also mentioned that he frequently has bouts with goopy eyes to varying degrees, seeming ear infections with no signs of pain and wheezing in his chest.

I told Dr. Logan that I thought he might have an allergy of some type. Dr. Logan agreed and ordered a round of allergic blood tests. He mentioned that skin allergy tests usually can't be adminstered to children until ~5 for obvious reasons.

I took Justus to the hospital and had to hold him down while he screamed in protest to being given an ouchie on purpose. Afterwards, after getting a toy from one of the nurses, Justus seemed to recover back to his happy self but showed signs of the grogginess of having blood drawn.

We'll get the results back in about a week. Dr. Logan mentioned the ENT as the next step if no allergens are found.

April 1, 2009

Ceasar Chavez Day Fun

We had a wonderful day off of work yesterday. We walked across the empty campus and had fun at the track. Justus found the long jump pit and had a great time in the sand. He even did some jumping to show off his excellent standing broad jump skills. He ran across the field and climbed to the very top of the bleachers. We also went to Lowe's and got some new play sand for his sand box at home. It was a great day off!!

March 30, 2009

Justus controlling mom/dad

Just had to blog real quick about Justus' most recent fad, grabbing mom/dad's hands and making us do things. Lately its been pushing buttons on books or making us rub things in books!

March 29, 2009

Get up Dadda/Momma

Besides leading you around sayin "mon dadda (or insert your name to Justus here)" he's also been ordering ppl around and being a bit bossy. If you're standing and he's playing with a toy he'll say "sit dadda" or if i'm sitting and we're suddenly done playing Justus will order me up "get up dadda" he'll say. We often have to ask him to say please along with his command. Very cute.

March 24, 2009

First Hair Cut!

Justus had his first hair cut this weekend from Cool Kids Cuts in Chico! He sat in a Lightning McQueen race car and watched the movie Cars while behaving like a very big boy during the entire cut. He was a little tired from taking only a 30 minute nap and playing wildly at Caper Acres so that might have helped him to sit still. At the park he had run through the mine and even did a couple head first sliding maneuvers to show how big and brave he is.

March 15, 2009

Justus goes through the rigors of dad's acting class

What a joy

What a joy this lil guy is turning out to be. What a great weekend we had despite the rainy weather.

Nana Jean came down to see Justus on Friday and ended up taking him to the park because Justus just would not stay in the classroom. They had a wonderful time. We met her at the park and picked him up.

On Saturday, Nana Carol and Papa John came down and visited us at our house. Justus had a great time kicking pinecones with Papa John outside. Nana Carol brought Justus a bunch of clothes (Thank you!) and a book.

Justus' favorite thing to do at the moment is to lead his new found friends around to do different activities. "Mon Dada" he'll say "Mon mama", "Mon nana" and he'll lead you around to a different part of the house to play. If you're laying down he'll help pull you up by your finger. Careful you don't pull the little guy over!

March 9, 2009

More singing

Justus can almost sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Start completely and pretty well. We can definitely follow the first part of the song very easily.

His favorite activity right now is learning on the computer with Mom and Dad. We have some "Computer Learning Tools" that we employ: http://www.knowledgeadventure.com/jumpstart/ to help Justus learn his shapes, numbers and Alphabet.

December 29, 2008

Justus talking

Justus is talking quite a bit these days, trying out new words, etc. His most recent favorite is humming Jingle Bells for christmas.

November 30, 2008

To the Zoo! Part Deux

7 months after we took Justus to the zoo the first time, we've decided to return. This time he could walk it himself. Afterwards, we took the obligatory trip to Fry's which, as the video shows, Justus enjoyed very much. Pictures of the trip here.

Park Fun and Fun with Nana

Back in October we had some fun with Beth and John, Fargo and Trixie! Nana and Papa also came! Click here for a peek!

October 19, 2008

Visit to Hawes Farm Anderson

Justus had a chance to visit Hawes Farm (Anderson) on October 11th.

How did it go? I think these pictures will do the talking.

October 16, 2008

15 Months old and climbing a CHAIN LADDER :O

Remember guys, this lil guy is only 15 months old here!!!

October 6, 2008

Slept all night!

Justus just slept from ~8:30 to 5:30! (or thats at least when I went in to wake mom!).

We're trying a new strategy that doesnt involve milk in a bottle right before bed and it seems to be working.

September 29, 2008

Baby Weight

Justus got on the scale tonight and weighed 25.2 lbs.

September 26, 2008

We're attempting to wean Justus from his nightly wakings to feed and it is pretty tough. Justus woke up last night and almost refused to go to bed until Mommy helped him. I came in to try and help and after about 10 minutes, a change of diaper and a bottle of water, he settled down.
Justus was able to make Elmo (his little Elmo doll) Sit, Stand (kindof), Sleep! and kiss another doll!!

This was fun to watch Justus use a doll to emulate all of these moves.

August 3, 2008

For Justus' birthday Grandma got him this really cool battery operated car that he can ride in. It is adjustable so that, when he is too young (as he should be now) Mom and Dad attach a long handle to the back of it that has a button where WE can operate the car - to include motorizing and steering. There is another button on the actual steering wheel, where, once he gets bigger, he can drive and steer himself.

So, here we were on a nice family stroll, the mom and the dad, with the little red handle on the back of the car because Justus just can't understand how to actually 'hold' the button down on the steering wheel (he presses it, but only momentarily, so his driving consists of little neck breaking lurches).

We're driving along when, suddenly, Justus decides that he wants to have his right foot just hanging out of the car dragging on the ground, perilously close to getting run over by the back tire.

So we of course stop the car. "Put your foot back in Justus" we say. "Foot" we point, "in." we repeat. "Put your foot in or we won't be going anywhere."

It's at this point that Justus takes off just fine, holding down the little red button on the steering wheel with no problems, leaving mommy and daddy in the dust.

As we watch Justus, driving himself down the road, foot dragging on the ground, against the will of mom and dad, we can only shake our heads and imagine that this is only year 1 of what is turning out to be a very interesting learning process.

July 26, 2008

Justus climbed down from our bed today BY HIMSELF, after his nap, and snuck up on me!

I was doing something with the television, thought I heard him whimper (i.e. get up) and I turned around and there he was!!

It was so cute! He smiled so big knowing he had done something pretty cool!

July 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!!

As you know, Justus Anthony Bealer turned 1 year old on this day. Justus is able to tell everyone how old he is. When you ask him "how old are you?" he raises his finger and smiles!!

Pics of our trip and Justus's Birthday are here.

July 6, 2008

July 4, 2008

In less than a month Justus has seemingly conquered walking. 1st Birthday in just a few weeks - lets go to Tahoe!

June 24, 2008

In the course of a few weeks this baby boy has gone from teetering to walking most places with his arms down. As of a week or so ago, walking is definitely the preferred means of travel. I'll try to get some video up soon.

June 2, 2008

Walking has definitely begun this evening! Justus keeps standing up and walking back and forth between mom and dad!

While crawling is still his preferred method of transportation, walking is quickly rising to the top of his forte.

I'll try to grab some video when I can catch him.

June 1, 2008

The spontaneity bug hit our house this saturday morning which turned into a trip down to the Sacramento Zoo.

We had tons of fun! Justus got to see his very first Lions, Orangutans, Giraffes and Tigers! We got to the zoo a bit late, 3:30pm, and thought it was closing @ 4pm. We were happy to hear that it was staying open until 5pm this evening.

We quickly made our way through the exhibits, taking a few crawl 'round and pound pound breaks along the way. Justus was the best lil boy as always.

Next time we plan on taking him across the street to the fantasy land park there.

One of the highlights of our zoo time was the area on the side of the tiger cages (picture below). Not a minute before this shot was taken, we were rushed by two tigers! It was amazing and probably the closest we'll come to seeing two tigers running toward and jumping right at us without getting mauled!

Afterward we enjoyed an excellent dinner with Tanya and Shad @ Fresh Choice. Very excellent, thanks guys.

New pictures of the zoo, the duck park and Caper Acres up here.

May 27, 2008

Our little man had a bit of trouble this night. So Dad's up blogging @ 2am...

May 26, 2008

Our little guy is practicing walking and standing!

May 19, 2008

Last night Justus and I attended the end of year Deans and Chairs (DAC) party. Justus was the hit of the party!! He was so well behaved and had fun eating lots and lots of bread, flirting with the girls, playing footsie, and playing with pens, boxes, and containers. He taught everyone how to shake their heads back and forth, how to make clicking sounds, and how to dance. He even went skinny dipping in the pool!! Yes, there is a picture.

May 18, 2008

Justus bridged about a 2 foot gap last night! Took about 4 steps between the couch and the foot pedestal for Mom's rocking chair.

The look of determination in his eyes was cute!

May 17, 2008

Today Justus is doing really good.

A bit of snot in the morning but thats about it. His eye is clear of goop and his poops are really hard. Little balls of poop vs the even the slightly firm stuff we've been seeing.

Dad is home watching him today while Mom is down @ a Mary Kay party hosted by Marlena.

May 15, 2008

Justus' eyes started to get gunky again last night when we were @ Jamba Juice. We noticed when we picked him up from daycare that he had a bit, and then by the time we were drinking our Jamba juices a lot more had accumulated.

So we tried to put a bit of breast milk in his eye last night. This morning they honestly looked better. So much so that were taking him to school after putting more MM (Mother's Milk) in his eyes. Yvonne says it seems weird but this might be an old wives tail thats actually true.

May 14, 2008

Justus went to school today with no problems. When mom went to visit him @ about noon or so she said he seemed alot more active than he has been recently.

We're about to go pick him up.

May 13, 2008

Justus did much better today. Only 1 'kinda' diarrhea vs his 10 or so episodes yesterday.

Mom took him into the Dr and the Dr said he definitely was sick with something, but that they couldnt help out too much. Evidently this type of thing is going around.

Dr said he looks plenty hydrated, but he did lose a pound :(. Back down to 19 lbs 6oz.

We'll play tomorrow by ear. If he does well tonight, we'll probably take him back to daycare tomorrow.
Last night actually wasnt too bad. Mom stays home with Justus today. We'll see what the Dr says. Thanks Yvonne for staying home.

May 12, 2008

Justus is a little under the weather this week. This is the hardest part of being a mom. Sitting back and watching him and not being able to make him feel better is so hard. Despite what I know is a crappy bug that is making his tummy feel bad, he still smiles and cuddles and is the best and sweetest baby you can ever imagine.

Justus Blog Created

This is our first post using blogging software. Makes it easier for us to post to Justus' website. Poor guy is sick with diarrhea right now :(.

July 22, 2007

Older Pictures

For older pictures, contact Steve.